Inherits From:
Declared In:
The default mapping for the CosNaming's NameComponent is the NSDictionary with two keys: id and kind, where both are strings. The Name in CosNaming is defined as an array of the NameComponents.
This class provides convenient way to create NameComponents and arrays of the NameComponents. ADORB uses Key Value Coding while marshaling values, and this class implements necessary accessor methods.
Returns the autoreleased instance of IDLNameComponent for the given name. The name is considered as the dot separated id and kind. If there are multiple dots in the name the last one is used. If there are no dots then kind is set to nil.
Returns the autoreleased array of the NameComponents for the given path. The path is considered as the sequence of the names separated by '/'. There should be no leading '/'.
Initializes the receiver considering the name as the dot separated id and kind.
For example, if name = ""
then the receiver will be initialized with id = "adorb.puma"
and kind = "dev"
Initializes the receiver with id = nil and kind=nil.
If kind is not nil then return the string id.kind, otherwise return id.
Returns the receiver's id value.
Note that here id is the entry name in the CosNaming/NameComponent, not the object's id.
Sets the receiver's id to str.
Return the receiver's kkind value.
Sets the receiver's kind value to str.